On August\18\2023 MyWish Team held Training Session on LOVOL Agricultural Machinery for the Sales and Product Support teams. The training is on Technical_Specification, Product_Familiarization and Attachement_Configuration for LOVOL Agricultural Machinery.


ማይ ዊሽ ኢንተርፕራይዝ በብቸኝነት ያቀርበው የነበረው Doosan ማሽን በDoosan Infracore (የኮንስትራክሽን ማሽነሪ ዘርፍ) በኩል ይቀርብ የነበረና ላለፉት 15 አመታት የኢትዮጵያን የማሽን ገበያ በቀዳሚነት ተቆጣጥሮ እስካሁንም የዘለቀ እንደሆነ ይታወቃል። Doosan Infracore  የካፒታል አቅሙን ለማሳደግ እና በጥናትና ምርምር (R&D) ላይ ትልቅ እድገት ለማምጣት ይረዳው ዘንድ የHyundai Heavy Industry Group (HHIG) አካል በመሆን ስያሜውን ወደ Hyundai Doosan Infracore ቀይሯል። ሆኖም ግን የራሱን ክንፍ በብቸኝነት በመያዝ ራሱን ችሎ የሚንቀሳቀስና ከተፎካካሪዎቹ ሁሉ ልቆ በመገኘት ቀዳሚነቱን ያስቀጥላል። ከዚህም ጋር ተያይዞ በፊት ይጠቀምበት የነበረዉን የ“Doosan” መጠሪያ ስም ወደ “Develon” መቀየሩን ስናበስር ከታላቅ ደስታና ቀጣይነት ካለው የእድገት ተስፋ ጋር ነው።

  • አዲሱ ስያሜ; Develon (ዲቬሎን) የሚለው አዲሱ ሰያሜ የ Develop (“ማደግ”) እና Onward (“ወደፊት”) ቃላቶች ውህድ ሲሆን፤ ይኸውም በኮንስትራክሽን ማሽነሪ ዘርፍ ያሳረፍነዉን ትልቅ አሻራ በማጎልበት በጎ ነገሮችን ይዘን “ወደፊት ለማደግ” ያለንን ምኞት እናንፀባርቅበታለን።

  • ከማሽን ገፅታ አንፃር; ከአዲሱ የብራንድ ስያሜ ለዉጥ ውጭ ምንም አይነት ውጫዊ ገፅታም ሆነ ውስጣዊ የማሽኑ አካላት ለውጥ አልተደረገበትም።

  1. በማሽኑ አካላት ላይ ይፃፍ የነበረው Doosan የሚለው መጠሪያ ስምና ልጥፍ ብቻ በDevelon የሚተካ ይሆናል።

  2. የማሽኑ የሞዴል ስም እና ብርቱካናማ ገፅታው በነበረበት ይቀጥላል። እንደምሳሌ; ተመራጩ DX360LCA-7M ኤክስካቫተር በነበረበት የሞዴል ስሙና ተወዳጅ ብርቱካናማ ቀለሙ ወጥ ሆኖ ይቀጥላል።

  3. የማሽኖቹ የሞተር አቅምም ሆነ ሌሎች አካላቶች (Main Pump, Control Valve, Swing Device, Travel Device, Undrecarriage, etc.) እና መመዘኛዎች አጠቃላይ በነበሩት የሚቀጥሉ ይሆናል።

  4. የመለዋዎጫ እቃዎች አይነት፣ ጥራት እና መለያ ቁጥር (Part Number) ላይ ምንም አይነት ለውጥ አይኖርም።

  5. ይሰጡ የነበሩ የ Aftermarket አገልግሎቶችም በነበሩበት መልኩ ተጠናክረው የሚቀጥሉ ይሆናሉ።

  • የዲቬሎን ተጨማሪ ጥቅሞች;

  1. የዋረንቲ ቆይታ ጊዜው ከ2000 ሰአት ወደ 3000 ሰአት አድጓል።

  2. የዘመኑን ቴክኖሎጂ የተከተለና የተሻሻለ የአቅጣጫ መጠቆሚያ ስርአት (GPS System) አካቷል።

Attending International Conference

My Wish’s General Manager Mr. Husamudin Seifu and the export team delegates participated in the 11th International Conference of pulses and oilseeds that was held from November 15 – 16, 2022 at Sheraton Addis Hotel, Addis Ababa. The Conference gave us a great opportunity to meet and deal with potential international buyers and traders on the pulse of the oil social market. Accordingly, minutes of understanding and sales contracts have been signed with major buyers and traders. In this regard, My Wish Enterprise is great full to the Ethiopian Pulses, Oilseeds, and Spices processors and Exporters Association (EPOSPEA), of which My Wish is also a member, for organizing this remarkable international conference.

2023 Export Business Sales Plan

The 2023 export business sales plan has been approved by the Executive Management. Minutes of understanding and sales perspective has been endorsed and the required budget and finance arrangement with the banks have been approved. The executive management gives attention to the export business. . They also give a serious direction that all our export products must meet our business partners' and buyers’ requirements and no room for quality compromise

Business Diversification

Currently, My Wish Enterprise PLC is enhancing and consolidating its business activity with its motto “Better than the Best” giving high attention to customer satisfaction with its product support activities. Apart from the existing well-established construction machinery business, My Wish has started to diversify its business to the sectors of agricultural machinery, electrical automotive sector, and supply of car tires and batteries.

Head Quarter New Building

My Wish Enterprise has built its own 7 (seven) floor headquarter building. The building is inaugurated on My Wish’s 15th anniversary. This new 3000 m2 modern office building, includes office spaces, product display areas, part sales area, training facility and unique roof top employee canteen, functional bold design and quality workmanship, high-performance exterior cladding systems and top end interior finishing makes it a building to marvel at.